0. Remind Pilot Action Scope

Hepness pilot actions are designed by the task forces, created for the direct participation of stakeholders and interested parties, and developed with the aim of “mapping places for outdoors physical activities focusing on ecosystems interrelated benefits, and implementing experimental programs (promotional and practical)”.
Pilot Actions are developed to:

  • identify and map places (Atlas) for outdoors physical activities (with sport, health and tourism perspective) focusing on the interrelation amid cities and ecosystem services
  • implement pilot action (promotional and practical) fostering the collaboration among public and private organizations (sport, education, health, tourism, .parks, green commons ...)
  • establishing new public and private partnership to ensure the long run durability of the programs.


1. General scope of the Pilot Action

The scope of USMA Pilot Action is to promote the use public spaces, parks, squares and streets of the urban environment involving several local sports associations, public authority and people in the identification of places, the development of HEPA events, and experiences.
USMA started to create a collaboration between associations, administration and population in the management and in the way of living the city and its public spaces
USMA launched a sort of social campaign to map places where people practice sport and physical activity, thus to create a favourite sporting place map (#sportplacebook), created with direct reports from users, as an important tool for knowledge and sharing of urban places.

The consequent promotional and the demonstratives activities have been developed with the double purpose to create the shared map and to mainstream Hepness scope.


2. Specific goals and tasks to be fulfilled

The specific goal is to create synergies between the various subjects managing and living urban public spaces, with the aim of promoting a more active and healthy lifestyle.
Citizens can thus find opportunities to share the places and activities they prefer, contributing to knowledge of the favourite sporting place to be actively experienced.
To achieve this goal, our commitment concerns:

  • involving associations and volunteers;
  • carrying out citizen information campaigns (through newspapers, social and web);
  • involving families, through activities for younger people, sensitizing towards the themes of health and a healthier lifestyle.


3. Target groups aimed by the activities

Target groups are categorized on the basis of specific activities of the USMA pilot action:

  • The campaign to share favourite places to practice sport and AP involved all sport people, off course the most active in sharing information are youths and adults.
  • The promotional activities organized to disseminate hepness project and to stimulate the sharing of places addressed in particular all aged runners
  • The demonstrative activities in specific natural and cultural ecosystem in the urban environment focused particularly on youths, kids and their families, but all citizens have been invited to take part at the promoted initiatives.


4. Methodology and tools

Methodology is based on three dimensions:

  • Call to action for Sharing
  • Active involvement of stakeholders in the enlarged urban context
  • Holistic integration of pilot action steps: Each event becomes itself a "link in the chain" to share the knowledge of places and promote HEPA in the urban environment.

Tools adopted are:

  • Open source Map that can be capitalized in the next future and or evolved into a specific shared app
  • Task Force Workshop and Living Labs in the sport fields ì: we moved to reach targets where they practice sport (events and parks)
  • Communication and promotion through diverse channels: newspapers, social and web, but also the Word of mouth

The direct involvement of territorial associations has been fundamental and strategic at the same time.


5. Expected impacts and benefits from the pilot actions

The impacts and benefits of the actions are recognizable in the two main areas:

  • the health of the population: increasing outdoor physical activity, in different age groups, contributes significantly to the health of people; a healthier lifestyle helps fighting the most common diseases and living better;
  • the use of urban areas: taking possession of the public places of the city means knowing it better, experiencing it more, and do not giving space to the degradation. Parks, squares, streets acquire a more important social value if they become a territory for sharing citizens' favourite activities.

Furthermore, USMA developed the pilot action in the perspective of arranging the hepness mainstream strategy. In this context USMA pilot action supported the elaboration of a cutting-edge protocol defined to helping cities to include sport and physical activities dimensions into urban policies, to adopting a human centred approach to city design and management for the health of the city environment and people.

The pilot actions developed by USMA and the hepness partners are also functional to arranging and promote the HEPENESS Memorandum for Understanding.


6. Strategy to mainstream the pilot action

The creation of a favourite sporting place map (the sportplacebook) can become a model that can be capitalized, improved in a more smart tool and then exported to other realities.
The sportplacebook can facilitate the active use of urban spaces by the citizens; can provide to public authorities a view on citizens preferred places for PA ans can stimulate local municipalities to understand reasons for use or not use of both green commons and urban open spaces by citizens: could it be security, quality of landscape, air quality, accessibility and so on.
The events and activities that are organized in the so called urban commons on one side are important to increase citizens PA level and on the other side they can be conceived as living labs where researchers, sport associations and municipalities can directly reach sporting practitioners and stimulate the sharing of PA habits and preferred places.

Padua metropolitan area, SPORTPLACEBOOK

The map is being updated. Look for your favourite sporting place, if it's not there yet, send it to us at this email address!

Vivi i parchi 2018

Together with other 5 associations, USMA promotes the VIVI I PARCHI 2018 initiative.


Festival of Associations

On May 6th USMA participated in the Festival of Associations that took place in the Park of an ancient Villa in Selvazzano.


Padua Marathon

On April 22, 2018 USMA participated in the Padua Marathon.



On April 15, 2018  VIVICITTÀ was held simultaneously in 48 Italian cities (including Padua) and 12 European cities.